I have five video clips in this blog, and if you are patient enough you might actually finish all the way up to the 5th clip and learn something from my feeble attempt to do a video tutorial. I say that for the simple reason that my camera phone, or more accurately my phone, kept bailing out of me in the middle of my demonstrations. It keeps heating up and conking out. So I had to start from where I left off every time in the following clip. Also, towards the end of each clip you will notice that the audio dies out and you will only be left with the video, don't worry, there's nothing wrong with your audio device, it's just the phone's camera getting ready to conk out again.
Anyhow, on the technique part, you should read these before you start:
1. In the video I forgot to mention an essential part for this technique to work its magic, and that is to keep your pencil tips pointy. Sharpen them well. I prefer them sharpened long and slender with a really deadly tip, as you would see in the video. In that way the lines you create with your flicks are distinct and not dull.
2. After finishing with the second petal I realized that I SHOULD NOT HAVE created the troughs and crests sideways but instead I SHOULD HAVE oriented them towards the center of the flower. Boink! Anyway, do you get what I mean? (If not, it's ok, just reread this after watching all five clips and hopefully you'll get what I mean) The folds or wrinkles in the petals should be generating from the flower's ovary or ovule. My bad, sorry. Anyway in my work that can be easily remedied by an eraser. But just so you wouldn't make that simple mistake I thought of calling your attention to that boo boo this early.
3. It would help if you use earphones when listening to the video. The noise outside our window sometimes drowns out my voice. Buying a microphone for my next video tutorial is already in my to-do list, for now though my phone's built-in mic should do.
So, hope you enjoy the videos and learn something for your next coloring project.
Oh, and please do tag me (coloristaph.blogspot.com or celeste lecaroz in Coloring Book for Adults Facebook page) when you post your completed works should you decide to apply what you learned here. I'd be one happy puppy :)
First clip: http://youtu.be/41Pq6jb4mpk
Second clip: http://youtu.be/_NK4DvM-a7E
Third clip: http://youtu.be/EzTiGUXOwCQ
Fourth clip: http://youtu.be/26tQwvnqBNg